This workshop provides a good foundation for the practice it is for those who want to demystify meditation and for people who struggle with meditation or the general stress of modern life.
The program will be divided into parts to make it comprehensible. It will provide the necessary steps towards creating a maintainable meditation practice. Also, it provides information on different methods, various support techniques, and pitfalls in meditation. The knowledge that will be gained is immeasurable. Vedantic Meditation is a philosophy that centres around the state of 'the awareness of being'. The goal of this type of meditation is in aiding a constant practice and creating a profound positive effect which takes place in the physical, mental and spiritual level. However, most importantly, it will become a crucial part of raising consciousness and in becoming the master of one's life.
BOOK NOW -LIMITED PLACE COST-ONLY £80 In four hours receive: An explanation of how to demystify meditation. Various methods of meditation The benefits of meditation Demonstration on how to prepare the mind before Meditation A guided and non-guided meditation Teaching on fundamentals of the Vedantic Meditation A list of recommended books.
Sunday 12th January 2020
Time 1.30-5.30pm
Venue: South Kensington Kendrick Mews, London SW7
More details will be forwarded once booked.